Aug 22, 2024

Exploring Sushi Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts.

Exploring Sushi Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts.

Exploring Sushi Etiquette: Dos and Don'ts.

Sushi is not just a meal; it's a refined culinary experience deeply rooted in Japanese culture and tradition. To fully appreciate and respect this beloved cuisine, it's important to understand the etiquette that accompanies it. Whether you're a sushi novice or a seasoned aficionado, here are some essential dos and don'ts to guide you in navigating the world of sushi dining.


1. Do Greet the Chef When you enter a sushi restaurant, especially at a sushi bar, greet the chef with a polite "Konbanwa" (Good evening) or "Konnichiwa" (Good afternoon). Acknowledging the chef shows respect and appreciation for their craft.

2. Do Use Your Hands It's perfectly acceptable to eat nigiri sushi (fish atop rice) with your hands. This method allows you to feel the texture and ensures the rice stays intact. For maki rolls (rolls wrapped in seaweed), using chopsticks is more common.

3. Do Dip Fish Side Down When dipping nigiri into soy sauce, dip the fish side, not the rice. This prevents the rice from soaking up too much soy sauce and falling apart. Too much soy sauce can also overpower the delicate flavors of the fish.

4. Do Eat in One Bite Sushi pieces are designed to be eaten in one bite to fully appreciate the combination of flavors and textures. If the piece is too large, you can eat it in two bites, but try to avoid disassembling it.

5. Do Use Pickled Ginger Correctly Pickled ginger, or gari, is a palate cleanser meant to be eaten between different types of sushi, not with sushi. Its purpose is to refresh your taste buds so you can enjoy the distinct flavors of each piece.

6. Do Thank the Chef If you are seated at the sushi bar, thank the chef with a "gochisousama deshita" (Thank you for the meal) when you finish eating. This is a traditional way to express gratitude for their skill and effort.


1. Don't Mix Wasabi and Soy Sauce Mixing wasabi into your soy sauce is considered improper as it can overwhelm the flavors. Instead, place a small amount of wasabi directly onto the sushi, if the chef hasn't already added it, and then dip the sushi lightly into the soy sauce.

2. Don't Rub Chopsticks Together Rubbing chopsticks together can be seen as a sign that you think they are cheap and splintery. Instead, just separate them gently and use them as they are.

3. Don't Pass Food with Chopsticks Passing food from one pair of chopsticks to another is reminiscent of a funeral practice in Japan. If you want to share food, place it directly on your companion's plate.

4. Don't Point with Chopsticks Pointing at people or objects with your chopsticks is considered impolite. When not in use, place your chopsticks on the provided rest or horizontally on your plate.

5. Don't Overuse Soy Sauce Drenching your sushi in soy sauce can be seen as disrespectful to the chef, who has carefully balanced the flavors. Use soy sauce sparingly to complement, not overpower, the sushi.

6. Don't Leave Food Uneaten It's considered wasteful and impolite to leave food uneaten. Try to finish all the sushi on your plate. If you're not sure how much you can eat, order a few pieces at a time.


Understanding and respecting sushi etiquette enhances your dining experience and shows appreciation for the culinary traditions and skills involved. By following these dos and don'ts, you’ll not only enjoy your sushi more but also honor the cultural heritage that makes this cuisine so special. Happy dining!